Pregnancy Day Assessment

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The Pregnancy Day Assessment provides support for pregnant women who are concerned or may be experiencing signs of pregnancy conditions that require appropriate and timely assessment and management. Women over 26 weeks pregnant can be referred for investigation and monitoring of acute problems relating to their pregnancy by GPs or Obstetricians. Our highly experienced midwives, will work collaboratively with our obstetricians Professor Jonathan Morris and Dr Sean Seeho to facilitate a comprehensive, specialised support service. Our midwives will provide women with compassionate midwifery support, offering expert knowledge and reassurance when concerns arise.

Concerns that may be addressed in the Pregnancy Day Assessment Unit may include high blood pressure, diabetes in pregnancy, baby’s growth, liquor abnormalities, baby’s movements, prolonged pregnancy and increased surveillance and support for women experienced previous stillbirth.

The day assessment generally involves midwives integrating various pieces of information, clinical consultation, including blood test results, cardiotocography (fetal heart rate monitoring) and ultrasound. After the appropriate information has been collated Jonathon or Sean will provide an opinion and with our midwives and your obstetrician determine an ongoing management plan.


  • CardioTocoGraph (CTG)

    CardioTocoGraph (CTG)

  • CTG


  • Blood Pressure Monitoring

    Blood Pressure Monitoring

  • Midwifery Support

    Midwifery Support